Monday, June 18, 2007

Ashley's Dance Concert

Ashley had a dance concert for a class she was taking as part of her gymnastics work. Three of the girls on her team were all in the same class, which was dedicated to teaching them dance for gymnasts. They did a great job and you could tell they really enjoyed what they were doing.

Mackenzie's Eigth Grade Awards

Mackenzie did very well at Vista del Mar Middle school for the three years she was there. In the fall Mac will be moving on to San Clemente High School. But first she won a few awards. I sent out an email and it was requested that I post what I wrote, so here it is.

Mackenzie took home awards for Presidential Fitness, 2 years of 4.0 GPA (missed the third year - 6th grade - with one B in PE for arguing softball rules with the PE coach who "read the book"), and an award for top ASB student for the last three years. All of Mackenzie's teachers praised her work ethic and attention to detail as well as her enthusiasm and willingness to take on any task, she must get that from her mother. I was really happy to see that her ASB adviser had high praise and comments. This is the same person I had a run in with last year for threatening to lower her grade and citizenship because she had a softball tournament to go to and would not be able to help with last years eighth grade dance. I am very proud of her accomplishments at Vista Del Mar and hope that she can continue the success in High School - I am sure she will do fine.

... and some pictures.

Needless to say both Nicole and I are very proud of Mackenzie and her accomplishments.

American Athletics place 8th

Mackenzie's Softball team, American Athletics 14U, finished in 8th place at the State Tournament held June 8th-10th. Mackenzie didn't play for the first 2 days of competition other than to pinch run. On the last day she was a designated hitter and walked twice, scored twice, and had some very well struck balls.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Cameron Pictures 5 Monthish

OK. Cameron is 5 1/2 months in these pictures. For the most part he is a very happy boy. And he is all boy. Very different from the girls in respect to being squirmy and constantly on the move. The only time he cries is if he is hungry or board and sometimes when he is really, really tired. He and I are having a great time together, but unfortunately my time with him will soon be lessened as I have to go back to work - :( I guess that will simply make the time I do have with him that much more meaningful.

Same Picture as Above, Just in Black in White.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

The absent minded blogger

Wow I can not believe I have not had anything to post for almost a month.

Lately I have been interviewing for full time positions, I am over the whole owning your own company thing. While I will probably keep the company, I will scale it back to a meager existence. One of these days I will get off the stick and begin developing one of my software ideas, then I may revive the company again.

School is almost out for the kids. Mackenzie will be going on the obligatory 8th grade Washington D.C. trip the day after school gets out. Ashley is now beginning to wind down from gymnastics for the summer, she will still practice 4 times a week, but at least she can afford to skip a day or two. Mackenzie's softball season is in full-swing (pun intended) with most games scheduled around the state and a few out of state tournaments planned including Kentucky and Illinois. So we have some traveling to do.

I just got back in touch with a dear old friend of mine. He is doing well which is great to hear!

I have not scuba dove for some time now, I think the last time I was underwater was before my last post in May. I did however see that my first ever Open Water Scuba student did in fact get his certification card. Congratulations to Tyler Lee!