Thursday, September 25, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

West Wing's President Bartlet & Brack Obama

Highlights of West Wing's President Bartlet & Brack Obama

. . .

BARTLET That was a hell of a convention.

OBAMA Thank you, I was proud of it.

BARTLET I meant the Republicans. The Us versus Them-a-thon. As a Democrat I was surprised to learn that I don’t like small towns, God, people with jobs or America. I’ve been a little out of touch but is there a mandate that the vice president be skilled at field dressing a moose —

OBAMA Look —

BARTLET — and selling Air Force Two on eBay?

. . .

OBAMA I’m not. They pivoted off the argument that I was inexperienced to the criticism that I’m — wait for it — the Messiah, who, by the way, was a community organizer. When I speak I try to lead with inspiration and aptitude. How is that a liability?

BARTLET Because the idea of American exceptionalism doesn’t extend to Americans being exceptional. If you excelled academically and are able to casually use 690 SAT words then you might as well have the press shoot video of you giving the finger to the Statue of Liberty while the Dixie Chicks sing the University of the Taliban fight song. The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it.

. . .

OBAMA The problem is we can’t appear angry. Bush called us the angry left. Did you see anyone in Denver who was angry?

BARTLET Well ... let me think. ...We went to war against the wrong country, Osama bin Laden just celebrated his seventh anniversary of not being caught either dead or alive, my family’s less safe than it was eight years ago, we’ve lost trillions of dollars, millions of jobs, thousands of lives and we lost an entire city due to bad weather. So, you know ... I’m a little angry.

OBAMA What would you do?

BARTLET GET ANGRIER! Call them liars, because that’s what they are. Sarah Palin didn’t say “thanks but no thanks” to the Bridge to Nowhere. She just said “Thanks.” You were raised by a single mother on food stamps — where does a guy with eight houses who was legacied into Annapolis get off calling you an elitist? And by the way, if you do nothing else, take that word back. Elite is a good word, it means well above average. I’d ask them what their problem is with excellence. While you’re at it, I want the word “patriot” back. McCain can say that the transcendent issue of our time is the spread of Islamic fanaticism or he can choose a running mate who doesn’t know the Bush doctrine from the Monroe Doctrine, but he can’t do both at the same time and call it patriotic. They have to lie — the truth isn’t their friend right now. Get angry. Mock them mercilessly; they’ve earned it. McCain decried agents of intolerance, then chose a running mate who had to ask if she was allowed to ban books from a public library. It’s not bad enough she thinks the planet Earth was created in six days 6,000 years ago complete with a man, a woman and a talking snake, she wants schools to teach the rest of our kids to deny geology, anthropology, archaeology and common sense too? It’s not bad enough she’s forcing her own daughter into a loveless marriage to a teenage hood, she wants the rest of us to guide our daughters in that direction too? It’s not enough that a woman shouldn’t have the right to choose, it should be the law of the land that she has to carry and deliver her rapist’s baby too? I don’t know whether or not Governor Palin has the tenacity of a pit bull, but I know for sure she’s got the qualifications of one. And you’re worried about seeming angry? You could eat their lunch, make them cry and tell their mamas about it and God himself would call it restrained. There are times when you are simply required to be impolite. There are times when condescension is called for!

Read the full copy here.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Citizen McCain Author Speaks Out

In an article, "How John McCain lost me", author Elizabeth Drew clearly points out the obvious in the McCain campaign.

“I didn’t decide to run for president to start a national crusade for the political reforms I believed in or to run a campaign as if it were some grand act of patriotism. In truth, I wanted to be president because it had become my ambition to be president. . . . In truth, I’d had the ambition for a long time.”)

Everyone who runs for the president runs because they have ambition to be president. If they didn't, would you really want them to be president?

What gets me is the Maverick has obviously decided that the only way to win is to adopt the right-wing rhetoric. The former POW compromised on war crime trials and torture in support of the Bush doctrine - which I do not have a problem the Bush doctrine (treat unto others...), however it was the fact that McCain is starting to sound like W.

"McCain’s caving in to this 'compromise' did it for me. This was further evidence that the former free-spirited, supposedly principled, maverick was morphing into just another panderer – to Bush and the Republican Party’s conservative base."

"By then I had already concluded that that there was a disturbingly erratic side of McCain’s nature. There’s a certain lack of seriousness in him. And he does not appear to be a reflective man, or very interested in domestic issues. One cannot imagine him ruminating late into the night about, say, how to educate and train Americans for the new global and technological challenges. "

How is a man who does not use email going to create a plan to educate and train Americans for the new global and technological challenges? I wonder if he knows how to program a VCR? Or, Set a digital clock?

Read the full article here.

McCain: Creative visionary for the BlackBerry Communication Device

I guess Al Gore is running for President!

"If John McCain hadn't said that 'the fundamentals of our economy are strong' on the day of one of our nation's worst financial crises, the claim that he invented the BlackBerry would have been the most preposterous thing said all week," said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.

Yes silly season is here!

McCain: Environmental Maverick? NOT!

A project supported by Montana farmers, ranchers, and Republican party leaders was mocked by McCain in 2003 and more recently in campaigning. The research shows that the North American Grizzly bear may be able to be taken off the endangered species list.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Lesson Learned

OK, you figure that a guy that has been in the computer industry for 20+ years would have a regular backup process for his computer. WRONG! The good news is that it only took a week to recover my hard drive and it looks as though full recovery is in order - Woo Hoo! The bad news is that it cost $1,800.00 to have the recovery performed.

So I one have a 320 Gig drive to back my 160 gig drive up to. I plan to activate my TimeMachine backup/recovery software that comes with my Macintosh immediately upon replacement and full recovery of my hard disk.

Learn from my mistake - BACKUP NOW! BACKUP OFTEN!

Palin: wrong woman, wrong message : Part 2

Here is how the Democrats are going to lose the election! That's right, lose. Barack Obama is taking the republican bait - hook, line, and sinker. He is not only acknowledging that Palin as a force in this election, he is trying to pit his "experience" against her "experience". Now that is simply stupid!

Obama needs to run against McCain. Biden needs to run against Palin. Those are the match-ups. To take the bait and bash the "community activist", bash the "working mom", and bash the mom with a disabled child will not win votes. Talk about the environment, womens right to choose (witch McCain supports he just can no longer admit), talk about the war in Iraq, or about homeland security, domestic violence, or how about education, healthcare, or any number of REAL TOPICS that concern REAL AMERICANS!

Yes the democrats and their voice of change may get over shadowed by their inability to stop putting their collective feets in their mouths!

More to come? Probably! If I have offended you - GOOD! You should be offended our government has failed us!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

No On Prop 8 -This California Proposition is disgraceful!

The Yes on Prop 8 people stopped by my house this weekend to see how I was going to vote. To be honest I had no idea that there even was a prop 8. Prop 8 would make a state constitutional amendment to define marriage as a union between a Man and a Women. Basically it outlaws same sex marriage. Not only that, but it would overturn any same sex marriage that has been performed in the State. The amendment would read: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California."

The Prop 8 hate mongrels are using scare tactics to strengthen their position. They are stating that children as young as kindergartners would be taught that a marriage is between two people instead of a man and a women. I talked with a kindergarten teacher and they do not talk about marriage, even though the Prop 8 people say that it is law. They are also saying that rights would not be taken away from same sex couples, same sex couples could still have a domestic partnership - they just could not be married. Sounds like rights would be taken away.

Join me in voting NO ON PROP 8.

Palin: wrong woman, wrong message

I am so glad I switched parties. It all started when in 2006, I was getting phone calls from the Republican party requesting money to help fight Hillary Clinton's bid for the White House. When I asked who the Republicans would match up against Hillary, there was nothing but silence on the other end. I have two problems with this.

1) the Republicans were so worried that Hillary was by default going to be the Democratic candidate
2) and they then had no idea who would run against her.

I knew then that Hillary would not be the Democratic candidate, the US is not ready to have a female president. I suspected that McCain would be the Republican candidate, and I am sorry he is a career politician. I have been and continue to be a Obama supporter. I am willing to give him 4 years to try something new, because the last 8 years have sucked. Also, since I have been voting there has not been an election without the names Bush or Clinton on the ballot.

But I digress. The Republican Party and John McCain are IDIOTS. Sure Sarah Palin is hot, if you caught the announcement that she was McCain's running partner, then you probably caught him checking out her ass! I guess his young wife is getting a little to old for him. But Palin is not the right answer! Want proof, then read this. She is pro-life, pro-guns, anti-environmental, and is the governor of the 4th least populated state in the union, behind (or is it ahead) of; Wyoming, Vermont, & South Dakota.

Yes, the Republican party is run by a bunch of idiots!