Friday, September 12, 2008

Palin: wrong woman, wrong message : Part 2

Here is how the Democrats are going to lose the election! That's right, lose. Barack Obama is taking the republican bait - hook, line, and sinker. He is not only acknowledging that Palin as a force in this election, he is trying to pit his "experience" against her "experience". Now that is simply stupid!

Obama needs to run against McCain. Biden needs to run against Palin. Those are the match-ups. To take the bait and bash the "community activist", bash the "working mom", and bash the mom with a disabled child will not win votes. Talk about the environment, womens right to choose (witch McCain supports he just can no longer admit), talk about the war in Iraq, or about homeland security, domestic violence, or how about education, healthcare, or any number of REAL TOPICS that concern REAL AMERICANS!

Yes the democrats and their voice of change may get over shadowed by their inability to stop putting their collective feets in their mouths!

More to come? Probably! If I have offended you - GOOD! You should be offended our government has failed us!


Cis said...

The problem is that by choosing Palin, McCain has effectively removed himself from the canidicey. McCain with his health issuse and according to actuary tables, has a real chance of not living through his first term. So the American populace should seriously consider if they want Palin running the country. Hopefully Obama will get back into not addressing either Palin or McCain and focus on his offense. We NEED change, he can bring change. We NEED international respect, he can bring that.

Sleep-Deprived said...

cis - re: the actuary tables of McCain's health, did you see his 96 year old mother at the RNC?

Cis said...

Yes, and its great that his mom is still living. However he is male which regardless of genectics lowers his life expectancy. A 72 year old man on average has a 1 in 3 chance of dying before he turns 80. (yes I know that's eight years) add to that his pass health issues and the odds increase that he could die. At the end of the day it is really a beatng game, based on mathmatics. Unfortunately there are no actuary tables on the likely-hood of an African American President being assassinated. :-)