Thursday, September 11, 2008

Palin: wrong woman, wrong message

I am so glad I switched parties. It all started when in 2006, I was getting phone calls from the Republican party requesting money to help fight Hillary Clinton's bid for the White House. When I asked who the Republicans would match up against Hillary, there was nothing but silence on the other end. I have two problems with this.

1) the Republicans were so worried that Hillary was by default going to be the Democratic candidate
2) and they then had no idea who would run against her.

I knew then that Hillary would not be the Democratic candidate, the US is not ready to have a female president. I suspected that McCain would be the Republican candidate, and I am sorry he is a career politician. I have been and continue to be a Obama supporter. I am willing to give him 4 years to try something new, because the last 8 years have sucked. Also, since I have been voting there has not been an election without the names Bush or Clinton on the ballot.

But I digress. The Republican Party and John McCain are IDIOTS. Sure Sarah Palin is hot, if you caught the announcement that she was McCain's running partner, then you probably caught him checking out her ass! I guess his young wife is getting a little to old for him. But Palin is not the right answer! Want proof, then read this. She is pro-life, pro-guns, anti-environmental, and is the governor of the 4th least populated state in the union, behind (or is it ahead) of; Wyoming, Vermont, & South Dakota.

Yes, the Republican party is run by a bunch of idiots!


Sleep-Deprived said...

You know Ken, I'm disappointed. I can disagree with your position on topics without being disrespectful and hateful toward you, or your party affiliation. I know you (not as well when we were young and in 4-H), but if people would consider the things they're about to say about an entire "people group" before just laying all their frustration out there, I think we'd have a better opportunity for open dialog.

Ken said...

Sorry to hear you are only disappointed. I was opening more for outraged. After re-reading the blog entry again, I didn't see anything hateful, maybe disrespectful - but I have always been that way. But I also did not state anything that is not factual. I don't believe I was writing out of frustration, only expressing my thoughts on the recent events.
Honestly I wish the Republican party would wake up out of their comatose state of being and get back to the fundamentals of the party, instead of trying to enact laws that tell me how to live based on religious beliefs and so called moral values.
I get that my opinions may not sit well with people, nothing new there. But then again I typically do not agree with Rush Limbaugh, however I do agree with him on Sarah Palin.

Cis said...

Sleep-deprived, I do not think he was being hateful to you personally. I think like with many of us, you are choosing to take it personal. We all make broad generalizations, especailly when we feel passionately about things. Instead of attacking back because we feel hurt, maybe we should ask more questions. I think Ken does have one generalization wrong is not just the Republican Party that are idiots, It is the general populace of America who throw away the rights everyday and allow the institution of the President to slide ever closer to a dictatorship because we buy into the fear that people like McCain and Palin dish out. We should all go back and listen to Palin's RNC speech and think about wether or not her world will make our country safer for future generations. Rome fell because it over extended its power, What we need to be asking ourselves is "Do we really want to be just another Rome?"

Sleep-Deprived said...

Ken and cis -

I am not outraged. Personally I think people are too easily outraged. If I had been outraged, that would have been taking the statements personally. There are things that outrage me (that are contrary to your political views, and this is your blog, so I'm not planning to make it a "point-stance" for me). I just was disappointed to see you fall into the "Republican Party are idiots" line. I can agree that the party has strayed from it's roots (again I disagree for different reasons than you do), but I don't think we gain ANYTHING by denigrating or name calling. Same goes for Democrats. There are a lot of things they do, that I dislike, but I won't write-off the entire Democratic party as "this or that" because I know specific people in the party who aren't.

Enough said on my part. I truly was just disappointed.

Ken said...

AH! I apologize for disappointing you.

Cis said...

Guess it is a good thing I do not belong to either party! :-)