Thursday, September 11, 2008

No On Prop 8 -This California Proposition is disgraceful!

The Yes on Prop 8 people stopped by my house this weekend to see how I was going to vote. To be honest I had no idea that there even was a prop 8. Prop 8 would make a state constitutional amendment to define marriage as a union between a Man and a Women. Basically it outlaws same sex marriage. Not only that, but it would overturn any same sex marriage that has been performed in the State. The amendment would read: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California."

The Prop 8 hate mongrels are using scare tactics to strengthen their position. They are stating that children as young as kindergartners would be taught that a marriage is between two people instead of a man and a women. I talked with a kindergarten teacher and they do not talk about marriage, even though the Prop 8 people say that it is law. They are also saying that rights would not be taken away from same sex couples, same sex couples could still have a domestic partnership - they just could not be married. Sounds like rights would be taken away.

Join me in voting NO ON PROP 8.

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